My fourth book, Donation of Death is now on sale on Amazon!
Website for the writer Robert A Wood
My fourth book, Donation of Death is now on sale on Amazon!
My latest book, Labyrinth is now on sale at amazon!
A sneak peak at the cover of my latest book, Labyrinth. More information coming soon 🙂
So it has been a crazy long time since my last update (almost 3 years!) But I haven’t died, you’ll be pleased to know. Instead I’ve been writing and producing a kid’s stage show. It was fun, but it came to end last Christmas. The good news is that this has enabled me to get back to writing books, and as a result, I will be releasing my next novel in the new year (and it is good!)
I seem to be getting worse at estimating when books will be ready, but finally, both kindle and print editions of my latest book, Tommy Lightbreaker and The Day of Not Doing What You’re Told, are on sale at amazon!
Three books coming early in the new year! That’s right three! First off we have the initial book in my Tommy Lightbreaker series, aimed at young adults. Then we have a collection of macabre short stories (for adults). And finally we have an interactive kids adventure book, which will be a fun introduction to the world of programming using the £15 raspberry pi computer. For more info about the raspberry pi, check out my blog: What is a Raspberry Pi Anyway?
It may have taken slightly longer than anticipated, but Equilateral is now available to buy as a paperback. It can be found on the various amazon websites across Europe and America.
Click here to view Equilateral on Amazon.co.uk.
Equilateral has had its first review on Amazon 🙂 Check it out here: Equilateral book review.
It appears that you can’t have nipples on Smashwords, so Equilateral has been banned! This has made the decision as to whether or not to use Amazon’s KDP Select service quite simple (to be eligible for KDP Select you have to sell ebooks exclusively through Amazon for several months.)
Equilateral is now available in ePub format for IPad, Nook etc. on Smashwords.